Monday, December 11, 2017

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Good Monday morning from chilly Preston county!  It's finally showing signs of winter, and I have mixed feelings.  I've never been much of a cold weather person - never enjoyed sled riding, skiing, etc.  I'd much rather have my bare feet in the dirt.  This morning I am diffusing a blend made specifically to counteract seasonal depression:  frankincense, spearmint, elevation.  I challenge you to address whatever it is you're feeling - attack it head on, so you can move forward during this beautiful month to receive everything December has to offer you.

And speaking of Frankincense, wow!  Spend 200pv this month and receive a 15ml ($67 wholesale) from doTERRA for free !  That's 250 drops of absolute liquid gold.  Free. How to spend 200pv?  Check the group for great gift ideas, and message me if you have any questions.

So let's talk first about the benefits of Frankincense.  Ready?  alzheimer's, aneurysms, arthritis, asthma, balance, brain aging, brain injury, breathing, cancer (Seen the Johns Hopkins studies?), coma, concussion, confusion, coughs, depression (today's diffuser blend), fibroids, genital warts, hepatitis, immune system support, improves vision, infected wounds, inflammation, liver cirrhosis, lou gehrig's disease, memory, mental fatigue, support after miscarriage, moles, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, nasal polyps, parkinson's disease, plague, postpartum depression, scarring, tumor, ulcers, uterus tissue regeneration, virus of nerves, warts, and wrinkles.  WOW. 

Frankincense is anticatarrhal, anticancer, antidepressant, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antitumor, expectorant, immune stimulant, and sedative.  This oil helps to focus energy, minimize distractions, and improve concentration.  It eases hyperactivity, impatience, irritability, and restlessness and can help enhance spiritual awareness and meditation.

We can use frankincense aromatically - in a diffuser, or place a drop in your hands and breathe it in deep, or smell straight from the bottle.  Frankincense can be taken internally - one drop under the tongue or in a capsule.  It can also be used topically. 

My favorite use for Frankincense is at bedtime.  It turns off the little hamster that tends to run circles through my mind when I try to get to sleep.  And it does the same for my almost 4-year-old as well.  I keep the "touch" version and roll it up her spine before bed. 

** Keep your eyes on the group this evening for a Live video re: the emotional benefits of Frankincense **